Captain's Report

Captain’s Report – Castle Hill

If you didn’t get a chance to get to Castle Hill you missed out on a great day out with a brisk early morning.

The day developed into an absolute cracker with sunny conditions and no wind. We had no excuse to not perform well.

We had 28 starters on the day with the golf club providing golf carts and sandwiches for lunch and substantial after golf snacks. All golfers were well fed.

With our first hit off at 11:36am then approximately at 12:30pm we managed for all players to get in before dark which was a good result. Big thank you for a quick play around the course with our Club Captain Garry Gibson currently out of action with a brand new knee. We wish him a speedy recovery.

Prize winners for the day:

1 Individual Winner
Tim Hooper

Runner Up
Ray Anderson

4 Ball Winners
Tim Hooper and Sam Jooste

4 Ball Runner Up
Reynold Sciuriaga and Mark Mcnamarra

Nearest the Pin 17th
Mark Mark Mcnamarra

Nearest Pin 4th
Ken Mccurrach

Hopefully we can all turn up for The Lakes on Monday 20 June, 2016.


Happy Golfing,
Garry Gibson
