Captain's Report

Captain’s Report – Cyprus Lakes 2021

After cancellation of last years match up against Newcastle due to COVID, it was great to catch up at the impressive Cyprus lakes layout in the hunter valley on the 12th of April 2021.

The weather was perfect and the course was in excellent condition after the recent rain. Sydney members totaled 12 players up against a strong contingent from Newcastle of over 70 golfers. It appeared Newcastle really wanted the trophy back this year and this was confirmed when our president Reynold was mugged in the car park. Reynold played on despite his injuries but alas the final score was 4 matches to 2, with a narrow win to the Newcastle team.

Best for Sydney on the day were Brendon Corbett with 35 points and Rod Wheatley combining with Lynn Astley for an aggregate score of 59 points. Our thanks go to Peter, Lynn and Lou from Newcastle for arranging a fantastic day at a beautiful location.

Our next game in Sydney is at Stonecutters Ridge on Wednesday the 12th of May. Hope to see you all there.

Happy Golfing,
Garry Gibson
Captain MB and E Golf Club.
