Captain's Report

Captain’s Report – Macquarie Links 12/07/2022

Nineteen players were keen for our mid winter game at Macquarie Links, which like the rest of the Eastern Seaboard, has seen biblical rain in recent months. 

Course restrictions included carts on path only, a compulsory 30 centimetre preferred lie through the green and all bunkers out of play.

All agreed this was a reasonable price to pay to get a game in with clear skies and almost no wind.

Although heavy underfoot, the course played just fine and it was probably one of only a handful of courses open after yet another East Coast low last week.

The club put on a nice meal to finish off another enjoyable trip to Macquarie Links.

Our Hornibrook team of 19 players has now been finalised. Stay tuned for more team info soon.

Our next game is on Tuesday the 2nd of August at Cromer Golf Club. Hope to see a good roll up for that one.

Happy Golfing,

Garry Gibson

– Captain

MB and E Golf Club  

Congratulations to the following winners:

Individual winner

Andrew McKinnon (11) 39 points

Individual runner up

Marcus Billyard (31) 37 points

2 BBB winners

Phil Wilson (35)

Denis Horder (33)

45 points

2 BBB runners up

Basil Mourtos (19)

Brendan Bateman (33)

42 points C.B.

NTP 8th Hole

Basil Mourtos

NTP 11th Hole

Danny Rothwell
